The NorthEast India
North Eastern Council
Utilization Certificate Portal(Reports)

Implementing Agency Details

        AGENCY NAME:   Meghalaya Electricity Corporation Ltd.
                 AGENCY ID:   305
     Additional Details

                ADDRESS:   Lum Jingshai Road, Mawlai, Shillong,
                STATE NAME:   Meghalaya
                CONTACT PERSON:   
                PHONE NO:   
                FAX NO:   
                EMAIL ID:   
                AGENCY CATEGORY:   Public Sector Company
                Administrative Approvals
                  Number of Approvals so far: 19
                  Amount Approved so far: 44882.17 Lakhs
                Pre 2007-08 Releases
                  Number of Pre 2007-08 Releases so far: 4
                  Amount Released so far: 1574.04 Lakhs
                Post 2007-08 Sanctions
                Number of Post 2007-08 Sanctions so far: 58
                      Total Post 2007-08 Sanctioned Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 31 : 4503.6 Lakhs
                      Total Post 2007-08 Sanctioned Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 35 : 5785.53 Lakhs
                Post 2007-08 Releases
                Number of Post 2007-08 Releases so far: 58
                      Total Post 2007-08 Released Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 31 : 4503.6 Lakhs
                      Total Post 2007-08 Released Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 35 : 5785.53 Lakhs
                Projects Involved
                Number of projects so far: 19
                      1Lakroh Mini Hydel project (1X1500 KW), Jaintia Hills Dist, Meghalaya.
                      2Construction of 132 KV S/c Transmission line on D/C tower from Agia (Assam) to Nangalbibra (Megh), (110 KM)
                      3Construction of the LILO 132KV D/C from Stage-IV to Sarusajai line (4.08 Km) at Umtru Switchyard in Meghalaya
                      4Renovation & Modernization of the protection System of Power Stations and 132 KV Grid Substations of MeSEB
                      5Installation of capacitor Bank at 33KV Umtru Switchyard & 132 KV EPIP-I at Byrnihat, Meghalaya.
                      62nd Circuit 132 kV S/C Transmission Line between Stage III and Stage IV ( 10 Km)
                      7Construction of 132/33 KV, 2X20 MVA Sub-Station at Umiam in Meghalaya
                      8Construction of 132 KV LILO of Sumer NEHU Line at 132/33 KV, 2X20 MVA Sub-Station at Umiam, Meghalaya
                      9Construction of 132/33KV 2X20 MVA Substation at Mendipathar(Ph-I), East Garo Hills,Meghalaya
                      10Construction of LILO on 132KV Agia-Nangalbibra Line at Mendipathar, Meghalaya
                      11Construction of 132KV D/C on LILO on Mawlai-Cherra S/C Line at Mawngap Substation, Meghalaya
                      12Construction of LILO on 132 KV Single Circuit Mawlai-Nangalbibra S/c Line at Mawngap Substation, Meghalaya
                      13Installation of 220/132Kv, 1x100 MVA Auto Transformer at Agia Substation(Assam) for Meghalaya
                      14Augmentation of 132/33KV Sub-station from 1 x 20.0 MVA + 3X3.5.0MVA (35 MVA) to 2 X 20 MVA + 2 X 5.0 MVA(50 MVA) at Rongkhon, West Garo Hills District
                      15Installation and Commissioning of Communication Network and Remote Terminal Unit at 132KV Sub-Station for Supervisory control and Data Acquisition of MeECL, Meghalaya
                      16Construction of 132/33KV 2X20 MVA Substation at Mendipathar(Ph-II), East Garo Hills,Meghalaya
                      17Construction of New 33KV line on ST pole with Raccoon conductor from Khliehtyrshi to Wahiajer 33/11KV, 5.o MVA Substation with control room, Meghalaya
                      18Construction of 33KV line from Byrnihat to Nongpoh with a provision for double circuit line, Meghalaya
                      19Improvement of Power supply in Dadenggre area by construction of new 33kV S/C line from Rongkhon to Dadenggre and strengthening of the 11kV and LT network under West Garo Hills (D) Division, Meghalaya