The NorthEast India
North Eastern Council
Utilization Certificate Portal(Reports)

Implementing Agency Details

        AGENCY NAME:   Directorate of Horticulture, Govt. of Mizoram
                 AGENCY ID:   377
     Additional Details

                ADDRESS:   Tuikual South , Aizawl
                STATE NAME:   Mizoram
                CONTACT PERSON:    Dr Elizabeth Saipari
                PHONE NO:   03892314370
                FAX NO:   03892329725
                EMAIL ID:   [email protected]
                AGENCY CATEGORY:   State Govt. Department
                Administrative Approvals
                  Number of Approvals so far: 8
                  Amount Approved so far: 5039.06 Lakhs
                Pre 2007-08 Releases
                  Number of Pre 2007-08 Releases so far: 2
                  Amount Released so far: 55 Lakhs
                Post 2007-08 Sanctions
                Number of Post 2007-08 Sanctions so far: 17
                      Total Post 2007-08 Sanctioned Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 31 : 574.47 Lakhs
                      Total Post 2007-08 Sanctioned Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 35 : 771.31 Lakhs
                Post 2007-08 Releases
                Number of Post 2007-08 Releases so far: 17
                      Total Post 2007-08 Released Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 31 : 574.47 Lakhs
                      Total Post 2007-08 Released Amount for Func.Head 3601051010200 & Obj.Head 35 : 771.31 Lakhs
                Projects Involved
                Number of projects so far: 8
                      1Establishment of Community Mushroom Production and Cultivation Centre
                      2Cultivation of kiwi fruits in Mizoram
                      3Cultivation of Mushroom at Chite, Mizoram
                      4Cultivation of grapes on commercial scale in cluster area at Hnahlan, Champhai District, Mizoram
                      5Establishment of Integrated Horticulture Training Centre at Chite Aizawl
                      6Establishment of Rootstock Bank for Grapes at Mualkawi Village, Champai district and Scion Bank and Rootstock Bank for Citrus at Maudarh, Lunglei district, Mizoram
                      7Plantation of black pepper at Sairum, Silphir, Mizoram
                      8Improvement of Mandarin Orange Orchards at Leng Village, Serchhip district, Mizoram